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Fumigation: Definition, Types and Benefits 2021

Fumigation: Definition, Types and Benefits 2021

The presence of pesticides in a food product is certainly very disturbing for you as a consumer. The reason is, food containing pesticides can be detrimental to the health of the consumer, starting from disrupting the reproductive system, pregnancy, early puberty, to the potential for suffering from Parkinson's disease.

What is fumigation

So you need to know ways to deal with pests without using pesticides. According to Fumida.co.id, one way to control pests is by using fumigation techniques. So, what is meant by fumigation? Fumigation itself is a term mutated from English, namely "fume" which means smoke and "mitigation" which means efforts to control risk. The term "gas" then leads to the overall meaning of fumigation, namely "a way to control pests by spraying fumigants (gas or smoke) in food warehouses."

It is believed that the fumigation technique has better pest eradication effectiveness than pesticides in aerosol or spray form. Apart from being able to reach the narrowest corners, fumigation is able to kill various kinds of pests, such as bacteria, fungi, termites, mice and other insects. What is meant by fumigant

There is a term called "fumigant" in the world of fumigation. What is a fumigant? This term refers to the material used to form toxic smoke that can eradicate pests. Of course, this material must be easy to evaporate, so that it does not settle and endanger the health of humans or other room occupants.

Just so you know, all types of fumigants are very toxic to humans and animals. Be it phosphine, formaldehyde, methyl bromide, sulfur chloride, etc. If it is allowed to settle indoors and is inhaled by humans, it will lose its life. In Indonesia, the most frequently used fumigant is methyl bromide. The reason is, this fumigant has its own advantages compared to other types of fumigants, such as speed, effectiveness and economic value. Additionally, from a chemical perspective, methyl bromide does not smell strange, is not flammable, and does not taste. Although methyl bromide is still poisonous for all of you, it is even more difficult to breathe.

Phosphine itself is a newcomer to the world of fumigation. With a basic ingredient in the form of Aluminum Phosphide, which is then processed into tablets that are reactive with water vapor, phosphine has better safety than other types of fumigants. Highly recommended for fumigation of food products or food plants.

Using fumigants should not be done carelessly. You have to choose the type and then use it according to the conditions where the fumigation will take place. For example, if you want to carry out fumigation in a food storage area that is easily contaminated, the fumigant used is phosphine with Aluminum Phosphide or Magnesium Phosphide compounds.

Types of Fumigation

Did you know that there are many types of fumigants? Starting from the first, namely space fumigation. Fumigation is carried out indoors, such as ships, containers, or various other rooms. There is also fumigation under the plastic cover (under plastic sheet fumigation). Fumigation is carried out on plastic only.

Fumigation Tools

There are several tools that you must prepare before carrying out fumigation. Starting from the fumigator as a tube with a hose and plunger for the fumigation process. Until all members of the fumigation team are required to wear complete personal protective equipment (PPE). Fumigation Process

According to the ecopestcontrol.co.id page, fumigation is carried out by filling the entire mitigation area with fumigant. When fumigation is carried out, the fumigant will turn into smoke as in the fogging process when killing mosquitoes. Provided that the room is closed, there is even air circulation. So that the fumigant is able to eradicate pests effectively.

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The fumigation process takes around two to eight hours, with the time portion depending on the dosage of the type of fumigant used. This process will take place perfectly when the place has been emptied of its occupants. If there are occupants, then there is a big possibility that fumigation will not run smoothly or the occupants will be exposed to fumigants.

There are also humans who must wear complete personal protective equipment, namely wearing a full face anti-toxic mask, rubber gloves and hazmat suits. This is done so that people on duty can avoid fumigants with their toxic properties.

If fumigation has been carried out, the next step is to ensure the success of the fumigation process itself. By checking the fumigation location directly, then seeing whether there are still pests remaining or not. After that, carry out an evaluation, and if there are errors, the fumigation team will carry out further pest eradication stages.

Things to Pay Attention to When Carrying Out Fumigation

Fumigation can indeed eradicate pests completely. However, there are a number of health risks that accompany it, so it would be better if fumigation is carried out with caution. Thus, safety in carrying out fumigation must be prioritized.

Have a high-quality fumigator and fumigant. Investigate further the origins of these two components. Make sure both are traded from store outlets with high credibility. Because using chemicals whose clarity is unknown is tantamount to endangering yourself and your co-workers.

Don't forget to pay attention to the location where the fumigation will be carried out. Check air ventilation and wall density. With air ventilation, the fumigant can be completely removed after the fumigation process. The wall density can ensure the perfection of the fumigation process. Remember that chemical residues will not be left in the room, which could later endanger the health of the occupants.

Plus use fumigation services. Order services with all members who are licensed for fumigation, as indicated by the existence of an official certificate.

Benefits of Fumigation

Carrying out fumigation activities certainly brings many benefits to the perpetrators, such as increasing the durability of food commodities stored in warehouses, preventing food commodities from pest attacks, and as a security and safety standard in exporting/importing food commodities.

The long-term impact is that fumigation can provide benefits for business actors and Indonesia from an economic perspective. Because fumigation can maintain the purity of plants to be imported/exported, so that trade activities remain well controlled. Apart from the agricultural sector, fumigation also provides benefits in other areas. The exhaust on your vehicle, for example. By carrying out fumigation, the car exhaust will undoubtedly be protected from corrosion due to insect attacks. Not only that, fumigation can also protect documents from termite or flea attacks.

Your household furniture will also be protected from pest attacks. Fumigation can repel insects such as termites, cockroaches, ants, and so on, so that the cleanliness of your house can return to its usual state.

That is information about fumigation, starting from the meaning of fumigation itself, what a fumigant is, types of fumigation, fumigation tools, the fumigation process, to the benefits of carrying out fumigation. After thinking about it carefully, fumigation provides many benefits in the short and long term. It just depends on your readiness; whether you want to carry out fumigation or not. Or just leave your house in a condition where insects remain infested. However, believe me. Ordering fumigation services can satisfy and provide comfort to your heart!

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